A dense white diffuser used for wide beam spreads; creates an even, soft, field of light without shadows. Manufactured on a 125 micron polyester base. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1...
Great for pale moonlight and seasonal mood lighting. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 17.7%...
A cooling blue-green wash for stage and set lighting. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 39.2%...
Good for daylight effects. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 41% 34.5% X 0.193 0.25 Y 0.246...
A cold blue, good for cool atmospheric mood setting. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 23.4%...
Good for musicals, pantomimes and sultry scenes. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 15.5% 15...
Good for theatre and T.V. effect lighting and backlighting. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y...
Great for Pantomimes, light entertainment etc. A good strong stage wash. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K...
Great for dramatic stage lighting. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 21.6% 24.6% X 0.335 0...
A deep green for sinister forest scenes, cycloramas and backlighting. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K...
Used for underwater scenes, cycloramas and backlighting. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y...
Reduces light 1/2 stop, without changing colour. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 69.3% 47...
Converts daylight (6500K) to tungsten (2147K). Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 40.9% 47.4% ...
Converts daylight (6500K) to tungsten light (3600K). Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 61.3%...
Converts tungsten (3200K) to daylight (8888K). Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission...
Converts tungsten to daylight. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 45.5% 40.3% X 0.239 0.349 ...
Provides very slight correction. Used on lighting to eliminate unwanted green cast created by discharge light sources on film. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48"...
Provides very slight green cast. Used on daylight and tungsten light sources to provide green cast when used in conjunction with discharge lighting. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1...
Extra light frost effect. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y -% -% X - - Y - - Absorption -...
A light frost effect that softens edges. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y -% -% X - - Y -...
A light frost effect that softens edges. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y 83% -% X - - Y -...
A light frost effect. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical Specification Source C6774KTungsten3200K Transmission Y -% -% X - - Y - - Absorption - - ...
A weak diffusion used for soft light effects. Manufactured on a tough Polyester base in a range of seven strengths. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical...
A medium diffusion used for soft light effects. Manufactured on a tough Polyester base in a range of seven strengths. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1.22m / 25' x 48" Technical...
Used on lighting to eliminate unwanted green cast created by discharge light sources on film. Approximately equivalent to CC075 magenta camera filter. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1...
Used on lighting to eliminate unwanted green cast created by discharge light sources on film. Approximately equivalent to CC15 magenta camera filter. Regular Dimensions Sheet Dimensions: 1.22m x 0.53m / 48" x 21"7.62m x 1...
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