4260 + 4230. Deep red blue. Enhances deep blues in costumes and scenery. Vibrant backlight. (Transmission = 15%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Double 4230. Medium blue with red tones. Nice cool crosslight on most skin tones. (Transmission = 24%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Double 4215. Pale blue with reddish cast. (Transmission = 42%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Very pale blue tint with a hint of red. Nice no-color definition when crossed with 51. (Transmission = 57%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
More red than 342. (Transmission = 8%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Light orange with high blue content. (Transmission = 24%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
A half stop neutral density. (Transmission = 70%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Saturated color created for Lighting Designer Mike Baldassari - It's Double #3220 Double Blue (Transmission = 6%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
A rich clean red blue that warms to lavender when dimmed. (Transmission = 15%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
A soothing green blue. More blue than 76. A good conventional moonlight color. Interesting tonal color. (Transmission = 6%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
A crisp, clean blue-green. Useful as a water effect or as a sidelight for dance. (Transmission = 32%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Blue Pink, Use in general washes and toning. (Transmission = 56%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Clean blue with more red than 364. A true color correction filter for film. Converts 3200°K to 5500°K. Good for area light. (Transmission = 36%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7...
A clean light red blue. Creates naturalistic daylight fill color. Good cool area light. (Transmission = 32%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
A soft clean blue. Good choice for cool area lighting. Can also be used to shift the amber of lamps running at low dimmer levels. (Transmission = 32%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7...
The slightest blue tint. Excellent for eliminating amber shift when lights are running low on a dimmer. Good for cool area light. (Transmission = 52%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7...
A yellower (or less red) version of 1/8 CTO. Converts 5500K daylight to 4900K. Deep-dyed base. (Transmission = 92%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
A yellower (or less red) version of 1/4 CTO. Converts 5500K daylight to 4500K. Deep-dyed base. (Transmission = 81%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
A yellower (or less red) version of Full CTO. Converts 5500K daylight to 2900K. Deep-dyed base. (Transmission = 50%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Converts 5500K to 3200K. Nice strong amber. Less pink than R04. (Transmission = 58%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Converts 5500K to 4900K (Transmission = 92%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Converts 5500K to 4500K (Transmission = 81%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Converts 5500K to 3800K (Transmission = 73%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Converts 5500K to 2900K (Transmission = 47%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Combines the effect of the 85 and N.6 filters. Extra-wide 60 in. Optically clear. (Transmission = 17%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Combines the effect of the 85 and N.3 filters. Extra-wide 60 in. Optically clear. (Transmission = 33%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
Useful for bright musicals. Creates a happy atmosphere. (Transmission = 45%). Sheet Dimensions: 53cm x 61cm Roll Dimensions: 1.22m x 7.62m
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